Long Have I Lingered in Silence…

On Monday, September 12, 2022 the Word of the LORD came to me with a message He forbid me to share until the proper time. Today, on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Lord has bid me to share what He spoke to me then:

The Word of the LORD came to me, saying:

Long, O people of the earth, have I lingered in silence. Long have I watched as you built your civilizations by the mining of the earth for My knowledge. Long have I mourned over the use to which you have put My wisdom. Long have I desired to bring calamity upon your cities and your civilizations. But I have stayed My hand by My mercy. By My merciful forbearance you have been permitted to chase your ambitions and to indulge your fleshly desires.

You have built cities upon sand, and you have built nations upon corruption. My eyes have searched for one who is righteous, but I have found none. You have conspired against My creation; you have conspired with My enemies; you have forsaken your birthright and sold your blessing for wantonness and corruption. You are an abomination before My eyes. What was beautiful you have soiled, and what was pure you have besmirched. My ears are full of blood crying out for vengeance, and My throne room is filled with the echoes of weeping and wailing upon the earth.

Long ago I established justice upon the earth, when I separated the ancient waters. Long ago I beat back the darkness by My powerful word. Long ago I tamed the ancient serpent, and I neutered the leviathan, but you have restored him to his full vigor. I caged him for your good and for your prosperity, but you received his whispers and you have made him your god. So, now, I will reveal to you the god you have worshipped. Long has he blinded your eyes that you might not see him; long has he taught you to blind your children from birth so they might not uncover his treachery. But I have sown enmity between him and your children that some might escape the soldiers he sent to sterilize My children born in his kingdom.

You have chosen a monster for your god. His thirst is endless and his hunger a bottomless pit. He longs to consume you for his perverted desires. He rejoices in your suffering, and He revels in your corruption. He sells you foulness for your purification and filth for your sustenance. And you have praised him all your days and given him your worship. Even now you fight for his kingdom and lay down your lives and the lives of your children for his glory.

Woe to you! Woe to you, kingdom of darkness, for you have been deceived by the great serpent who has consumed you for his pleasure and who has sacrificed you for his ambition. Long have I called to you; long have I spoken light into your darkness; long have I walked with you to guide you from his borders. But you would not be led. Each servant I have sent to guide you back to your birthright has been slaughtered on his altar. You have gathered around yourselves false prophets to proclaim his gospel and a chorus of idolaters to soothe you in your sin. All the blood of my prophets will come upon this generation, and I have sworn by Myself that you will never enter My rest. As the rebels fell in the wilderness, so this generation will waste away in its filth. For you desired power instead of prosperity and pleasure instead of peace. May you now receive the gods you have worshipped, as I open your eyes to see their true faces.

But for My people who have held fast to your faith in Me, I will not assign you to their fate. I will bless you while the curses of the false gods fall on their people. I will guide you to living water while the world’s water is made bitter. I will feed you in famines that starve all creation. And I will speak My word again into your heart that your ears might hear My voice and that your eyes might see My coming. To your children’s children I give this promise that their eyes will not close before My coming.

Prepare, people of the earth, to meet your gods. They are of monstrous proportions, distorted and cruel, ready to consume, ready to ravage, ready to sacrifice. Their mouths are open pits, and their stomachs are the grave. None escape their clutches, for their grasp is strong as death. Mourn, children of the earth, for your blind eyes will be opened and your hearts be laid bare before the gods who would consume the earth for their sustenance.

Long have I called to you, and I am calling still. To any who would hear My voice and follow Me, I will give to him waters that spring up to eternal life. The wicked will not live in My cities, neither will the rebel or the traitor or the vile indulger of the flesh. Only the holy will be there, a people made in the image of God who walk in the footsteps of Jesus. To them I will be a King and God; to them I will be water in the desert and fruit in a famine. To them I will give My kingdom as heirs with My Son. To them I will fulfill the purpose of My creation, and in them I will grow a tree of life. No more futility and no more corruption, for I will sustain them always by My word and by My Spirit. They will walk before Me always as a kingdom of priests, proclaiming the goodness of God and the purity of creation wherever I send them. You will be My firstborn, led by My Incarnate Son. Whoever sees you will rejoice in the light of peace and will receive in themselves a joy never ceasing.

Hold fast now, My children, for the darkness deepens for its final breath, and when it is exhausted, it will never breathe again.

Woe to those who cloak themselves in darkness, for your nakedness is about to be uncovered. Woe to those who blaspheme the heavens, for your own curses will fall upon your heads. A little longer and night will pass. Only moments and the dawn will break. And never again will the dawn see dusk; never again will the serpent slither; never again will the flesh revolt against the Spirit. For the birth of My children is at hand, and I will not allow the wicked to cross the river into My promised land.

The Word of the LORD has spoken, and it will never be recalled. This is the final word spoken from the beginning. The kingdom of righteousness is prepared for My children, and the room in My house has been completed. Come now, children of God, for the last leg of the journey out of Eden is completed. Now I will lead you to where I am, and none will take you out of My hand. I am the eastern sky and the northern lights. I am the light that pierces the darkness. I am the first, and I will be the last. Before Me there was no God, and after Me there will be none. I have called you from the chaos, and I have fashioned you on My potter’s wheel. It is for My glory that I called you, and it is for My purpose that I have fashioned you. To those who persevere, I will grant the right to eat from the Tree of Life that grows in the Garden of My good pleasure. Heed My word, given to you by My prophets and apostles that you may eat the fruit of the land in its season and that you might walk with Me again in the cool of the day. The Word of the LORD has spoken.