Judgment Has Come (March 11, 2025)

Today, on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, the Word of the LORD came to me, saying:

Today judgment begins. Son of man, you are to say the following to My children. I have no words for the world, for their destruction is imminent and certain.

“My children, children of the One, True God, of Yahweh, God of Israel, Who became flesh in the Person of Jesus, your Messiah—the true Lord of the heavens and the earth… Judgment has come. The time of repentance is at its end. For those who have cared for My prophets during the season of My calling out for change, remorse, and transformation, you will be cared for and blessed. For those who have hoarded during a season of want and who have neglected My prophets during a season of mourning, you will be abandoned in the days to come.

“I am the LORD God of heaven and earth, and I have sentenced the church which is called by My Name to endure a season of purging and of fire. I will chase the false prophets from My pulpits and the predators from the leadership of My sheep. I will no longer tolerate the soft-spoken or the deceitful whisperers of false doctrines and empty promises. Only those who proclaim My Word in its fullness and who display My mercy and compassion in their witness will be upheld in these days.

“The church of My Apostles has fallen into sin and disrepute, and I will no longer leave those who lead My people to their own devices. As I brought judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah, as I brought judgment on the earth in the days of Noah, as I brought judgment on the leaders of Judaism in the days of My Apostles, so now I bring judgment on the church which is called by My Name. What comes next is from My hand and by My will. I will not use a surrogate, nor do I call My faithful ones to lift up their arms. I Myself will act. I Myself will dispatch My heavenly hosts. I Myself will judge those who have misled My sheep, preyed upon My people, and enriched themselves in My Name. No more will I show mercy or compassion. No more will I forbear. Now I will act for the glory of My Name and for the justification of My righteousness.

“I have been slow to anger and abundant in steadfast loyalty all these generations. Plagues and punishments have come sporadically, always meant to call My people to repentance and to raise their awareness of their waywardness. But now, in the days to come, My own hand will act against those who have blasphemed My Name—who have said in My Name things I have not said and who have commanded in My Name things I have not commanded and who have done in My Name things I have not desired, nor did they ever come into My mind to request. Flee false prophets and deceitful teachers before Me, for if you stand you will be wiped away. I will do this Myself by the breath of My nostrils and the utterances of My mouth.

“Jesus is coming to place all things under His feet. No more will My people say, ‘Where is this coming He promised? Where is this justice He guaranteed? Where is this righteousness He has demanded? For all things proceed as they have from the beginning of creation until this day.’ No more shall you speak these lies out of your own imaginations, for I have been patient with you, willing that none should perish but that all should come to eternal life. But, you have named My mercy negligence, and My patience evidence of non-existence. You have thrived under My compassion, and your nations have grown powerful during My centuries of forbearance. But you are not grateful, and you have not increased in righteousness. The longer I have shown you mercy, the more I have allowed you to discover, the more wickedness has consumed you. No more shall I forbear. No more shall I show mercy. What comes next comes from My hand. These are My locusts, and I will not repay the wicked for the years they will eat. Only those who have repented, only those who have called upon the Name of Yahweh in earnest, only those who have hungered and thirsted for true righteousness in their hearts and true justice upon the earth will be repaid in the years that follow. So I have spoken, and My words will not be withdrawn.

“Tremble those who do wickedness; tremble those who have spoken lies and falsehoods in the Name of Yahweh—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; tremble those who have led My people into rituals and systems of their own imaginings and those of their forebears. For My judgment comes now to purify My people of the false worship of their ancestors. Return to My Torah and to the teachings and example of My Son. Add no more and take away only what you have added. Discover what has been removed, and you will be blessed after the season of judgment has passed. The earth now stands bare before Me. The nations of the earth stand ready for judgment. The Church of Jesus Christ must be made holy, and I, the LORD God will cleanse My people Myself.

“Awaken, hardened sheep of Abraham; awaken, O exiles of Jacob; awaken, O My people Judah, for your Messiah has come. Your long exile is nearing its end, and I am coming to reclaim you from the four corners of the earth to which I have scattered you. Your hardening has made a way for the Gentiles to come to Me, and your suffering has meant salvation for the nations. I will repay these long years the locusts have eaten, if you will return to Me. I have bound you over to disobedience so that I might have mercy on you forevermore. Hear My cry, My children. The end of all things draws near. And now I act as I did millennia ago when I freed you from slavery to the Egyptians. Your slavery to the nations is nearing its end. These plagues are for your deliverance, and for the deliverance of those I have called from the Gentiles.

“Do not fear, My people, for the judgment is for your salvation and the desolation of the nations is for your transformation. Heed the Word of the LORD, My people. Live as sheep among wolves; innocent before Me in the midst of this crooked and depraved generation. Heed My teachings and My example which I gave to you when I tabernacled among you in the Person of Yeshua ha-Mashiach. Mourn for those who have rebelled and blasphemed, for in the days to come they will reap what they have sown. But rejoice for those who love Yahweh their God with all their heart, soul, and strength, for the day of your deliverance is at hand. The Word of Yahweh has spoken.”

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