Judgment Has Come (March 11, 2025)

Today, on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, the Word of the LORD came to me, saying:

Today judgment begins. Son of man, you are to say the following to My children. I have no words for the world, for their destruction is imminent and certain.

“My children, children of the One, True God, of Yahweh, God of Israel, Who became flesh in the Person of Jesus, your Messiah—the true Lord of the heavens and the earth… Judgment has come. The time of repentance is at its end. For those who have cared for My prophets during the season of My calling out for change, remorse, and transformation, you will be cared for and blessed. For those who have hoarded during a season of want and who have neglected My prophets during a season of mourning, you will be abandoned in the days to come.

“I am the LORD God of heaven and earth, and I have sentenced the church which is called by My Name to endure a season of purging and of fire. I will chase the false prophets from My pulpits and the predators from the leadership of My sheep. I will no longer tolerate the soft-spoken or the deceitful whisperers of false doctrines and empty promises. Only those who proclaim My Word in its fullness and who display My mercy and compassion in their witness will be upheld in these days.

“The church of My Apostles has fallen into sin and disrepute, and I will no longer leave those who lead My people to their own devices. As I brought judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah, as I brought judgment on the earth in the days of Noah, as I brought judgment on the leaders of Judaism in the days of My Apostles, so now I bring judgment on the church which is called by My Name. What comes next is from My hand and by My will. I will not use a surrogate, nor do I call My faithful ones to lift up their arms. I Myself will act. I Myself will dispatch My heavenly hosts. I Myself will judge those who have misled My sheep, preyed upon My people, and enriched themselves in My Name. No more will I show mercy or compassion. No more will I forbear. Now I will act for the glory of My Name and for the justification of My righteousness.

“I have been slow to anger and abundant in steadfast loyalty all these generations. Plagues and punishments have come sporadically, always meant to call My people to repentance and to raise their awareness of their waywardness. But now, in the days to come, My own hand will act against those who have blasphemed My Name—who have said in My Name things I have not said and who have commanded in My Name things I have not commanded and who have done in My Name things I have not desired, nor did they ever come into My mind to request. Flee false prophets and deceitful teachers before Me, for if you stand you will be wiped away. I will do this Myself by the breath of My nostrils and the utterances of My mouth.

“Jesus is coming to place all things under His feet. No more will My people say, ‘Where is this coming He promised? Where is this justice He guaranteed? Where is this righteousness He has demanded? For all things proceed as they have from the beginning of creation until this day.’ No more shall you speak these lies out of your own imaginations, for I have been patient with you, willing that none should perish but that all should come to eternal life. But, you have named My mercy negligence, and My patience evidence of non-existence. You have thrived under My compassion, and your nations have grown powerful during My centuries of forbearance. But you are not grateful, and you have not increased in righteousness. The longer I have shown you mercy, the more I have allowed you to discover, the more wickedness has consumed you. No more shall I forbear. No more shall I show mercy. What comes next comes from My hand. These are My locusts, and I will not repay the wicked for the years they will eat. Only those who have repented, only those who have called upon the Name of Yahweh in earnest, only those who have hungered and thirsted for true righteousness in their hearts and true justice upon the earth will be repaid in the years that follow. So I have spoken, and My words will not be withdrawn.

“Tremble those who do wickedness; tremble those who have spoken lies and falsehoods in the Name of Yahweh—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; tremble those who have led My people into rituals and systems of their own imaginings and those of their forebears. For My judgment comes now to purify My people of the false worship of their ancestors. Return to My Torah and to the teachings and example of My Son. Add no more and take away only what you have added. Discover what has been removed, and you will be blessed after the season of judgment has passed. The earth now stands bare before Me. The nations of the earth stand ready for judgment. The Church of Jesus Christ must be made holy, and I, the LORD God will cleanse My people Myself.

“Awaken, hardened sheep of Abraham; awaken, O exiles of Jacob; awaken, O My people Judah, for your Messiah has come. Your long exile is nearing its end, and I am coming to reclaim you from the four corners of the earth to which I have scattered you. Your hardening has made a way for the Gentiles to come to Me, and your suffering has meant salvation for the nations. I will repay these long years the locusts have eaten, if you will return to Me. I have bound you over to disobedience so that I might have mercy on you forevermore. Hear My cry, My children. The end of all things draws near. And now I act as I did millennia ago when I freed you from slavery to the Egyptians. Your slavery to the nations is nearing its end. These plagues are for your deliverance, and for the deliverance of those I have called from the Gentiles.

“Do not fear, My people, for the judgment is for your salvation and the desolation of the nations is for your transformation. Heed the Word of the LORD, My people. Live as sheep among wolves; innocent before Me in the midst of this crooked and depraved generation. Heed My teachings and My example which I gave to you when I tabernacled among you in the Person of Yeshua ha-Mashiach. Mourn for those who have rebelled and blasphemed, for in the days to come they will reap what they have sown. But rejoice for those who love Yahweh their God with all their heart, soul, and strength, for the day of your deliverance is at hand. The Word of Yahweh has spoken.”

Let It Go – September 9, 2024

On Monday, May 16, 2022 the Word of the LORD came to me with a warning to declare in the future. On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the LORD fulfilled the sign about which He had spoken to me two years prior. Thus says the LORD God Almighty, Maker of the heavens and the earth:

Warn My people that unless they sell all they have, give it to the poor, and follow Me, they are not worthy of Me. This is mystery, but here is its explanation:

All church buildings built in My Name must be released to the world. All monuments which celebrate the accomplishments of humans, past, present, and future, must be given back to the world. All accoutrements of lavishness and excellence and pomp and prestige must be laid at the altars of these pagan shrines and left there. My people must begin again with the Scriptures and their homes and nothing more. For My judgment is about to fall on the forsaken branches grafted into Gentile vines. None who wish to save what they have built will be forgiven. As Lot’s wife, they will be given to the judgment they might have avoided.

Come out, come out, My people, so you might not share in her judgments. The time of mercy is near its end. The day of the LORD is at hand.

Has Judgment Begun? – Thursday, July 4, 2024

Recently I have been asked if the judgments from the Lord of which I have spoken have begun. After praying, it seems right for me to answer that question publicly. So, here is my response.

There are six warnings that the Word of the Lord has spoken to me over these last several years.

  1. When God is calling a nation or a people to repentance in advance of judgment, the Scriptures most often describe three signs that come as initial warnings. These signs can be seen, for instance, in Genesis 12:10-20 with reference to Egypt, in Genesis 20:1-18 with respect to the people of Gerar, and in 1 Samuel 5:1 – 6:18 with reference to the Philistines. They are also listed as omens of judgment in the Covenant of Sinai’s list of curses for rebellion. These signs are confusion, infertility, and tumors. These signs have been upon us for quite some time.
  2. The nations of the earth have imagined a universe without God, and they have been laboring to create a world without reference to God and without submission to His will. So, in response, God has said that He will diminish His providential care of creation with respect to the earth. The result will be ever-increasing erraticness in nature, a diminishment in human reason and rationality, a decrease in human inhibitions, a loss of the fear of humanity by animals and other lifeforms on earth, and an increase in impulsivity. Paul has listed these as evidences of God’s abandonment of a culture to its own debased mind in Romans 1:18-32. This, too, has begun.
  3. God has declared war on the spiritual beings which have been leading western nations from the shadows, whispering ideas and inspirations into human ears and guiding the policies, goals, principles, and actions of those nations. I have explained, to the best of my ability, what God has declared He will do both to expose and to free His people from the influence of these gods of the west in the series I preached and the book I wrote by that title. This, too, has begun.
  4. God has accused those in positions of authority and leadership, both in the church and in the nations of the earth, of abusing their positions and failing to lead as God wills those tasked with such responsibilities to lead. At the beginning of 2024, the Lord told me that He had allotted 100 days from the beginning of the new year for preparation for this judgment. He said that to me on January 16, 2024, so I am still unsure if that meant 100 days from the dawn of 2024, or if, given that He said that after January 1, He meant that to be a warning for 100 days into 2025. He has not clarified His word to me at this point, but I suspect the 100 days are to be the first 100 days of 2025. Therefore, this judgment may have begun already, or it may be soon to begin less than a year from now.
  5. God has declared that seven years of famine began on April 8, 2024, but it is not a famine of food, but a famine of the speaking of the Lord. I have understood this to mean that after four hundred years of sending prophets to call the people of this country to repentance, God will now become silent. He will not hear prayers, and He will not speak through prophets or preachers. This has begun.
  6. God has declared that after over four-hundred years of merciful forbearance, God has determined now to call the United States of America to account for the promises the first settlers of this country made to Him, and the countless generations of deliberate failure to keep those promises. God has said that though He did not seek out a covenant with the first colonists of this country, they sought Him, by prayer and petition, to covenant with them. In exchange for His protection and watchcare, they promised that what they established would be for God’s glory. God has accused them of deliberately departing from this promise for over four centuries. He also said that He has sent numerous prophets to the people of this country over those centuries, calling them back to faithfulness to their covenant and loyalty to Jesus as Lord and God as King. But, though some have heard and repented, the nation has proceeded to do more wickedness than the nations which preceded them. In response to this history, God has determined to strike the original colonies of America with a devastating series of plagues, similar to those listed in the curses of the Covenant of Sinai. This judgment, as far as I can tell, is still yet to come.

May those who have ears to hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Amen.

April 8, 2024

On Monday, April 8, 2024, the Word of the LORD came to me, saying:

Hear the Word of the Lord, you nations of the earth, you tyrants of clay and dust who trample My people with the sound of your comings and goings. The season of the Gentiles is at its end. My patience has reached fulfillment; my mercy has fulfilled its purpose. Now I give you to the darkness you have chosen. As on this day the moon obscures the light of the sun for the second time in seven years for those in the United States of America, so I will cause darkness to pass between us. Though you seek Me, you will not find Me. I will conceal My presence, withhold My wisdom, and obscure My watchcare. You will have the world as you have wished it. You will experience the freedom for which you have suffered and bled in this place.

I have heard your prayers, and I will answer them. You are alone. In the days ahead, do not pray to Me, do not call out My Name into the heavens, for I will not hear you. You are alone with your inventions. You are alone with your wisdom. You are alone with your transgressions. May they serve you as they have promised. May you find the joy they have told you was your right, and may the taste of your pleasures sicken your innards and rot within you.

On the day that you have received all that for which you have fought, and on the day that you are given eyes to see the deceptions over which you have labored, you will find despair deeper and more profound than any imagined from the creation of the world to that moment of revelation. On that day you will tear your clothing, cover yourselves with sackcloth and ashes, begging for forgiveness and mercy. But I will not hear you. You have ignored My cries during your years of plenty; I will not rescue you from the years of famine.

Only those who have emptied themselves of idols, who have received My purifying fire during the years of mercy, and who have allowed me to cleanse them of their unrighteousness will hear from Me in these days. Only those whose Names are written on My Father’s scroll will feel My arms around them and My hands guiding them in the dark. Once again, I will make a distinction between the wicked and the godly; once again, I will show favor to My sheep and disfavor to the sheep of other pastures.

Come out, come out My people, that you might not share in her punishments, for the harlot has been exposed, the false prophet has gathered a flock around Him, and the beast has uttered blasphemies against Your God. Come out, come out, and follow again the warnings of My prophets, the interpretations of My Apostles, and the teachings of My Son. No more shall I tolerate divided hearts among My people. Release what is perishing, and you will live. Cling to what is devoted to destruction, and you will be devoured by your love for it. The word of the Lord has spoken.

Woe to all who will not listen, for the darkness will not lift when the moon passes by the sun. Though the light of the sun will return, the darkness of chaos will remain. Seven years were devoted to plenty; now seven years are devoted to famine—a famine of the speaking of the Lord. So shall it be. As it was at the beginning, so it will be again. Only those who call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Cry out, My people, for help, and I shall hear. Cry out, those who are not My people, and the heavens will be as bronze. So have you wished; so have you contended; so shall it be. I am the Lord.

February 8, 2024

On Thursday, February 8, 2024 the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

Nations of the earth, long have I tolerated your nation-building, world-conquering, annihilation of My creation. Long have I looked the other way while you have committed atrocities upon My earth, ofttimes in My Name. I have shown mercy when you have been merciless; I have shown restraint when you have followed your covetous desires; I have allowed you to trample My capitals when you have assaulted the freedoms of others in your quest for dominance and order and peace. My toleration of these and other sins is now ended.

In the days to come, I will upend the lordship you exercise over your constituents. When the floods come to assault your shores, I will turn your people against you. There will be riots in the streets and armed conflicts in the cities. I will set your people free from your tyranny of lies and deceptions. I will wrangle from you your power and might, and I will give it to the humble and the poor of the land.

Long I have tolerated the persecution of My people and the adulteration of My Gospel. As I judge the leaders of the church, so, too, will I judge the leaders of men. None will escape the darkness of the days to come, for you have sowed to the darkness, and you will reap what you have sown. Chaos will reign supreme in the days and years ahead; chaos and confusion—a darkness that can be felt. I will bring ruin to the fields and to the forests, to the winds and to the waves, to the corn and to the maize, to the rice and to the wheat. I will send a blight against your growings and pestilence to consume your crops and your children. I will call upon the gods you have worshipped and the knowledge you have accumulated to save you from My hand, O nations of the earth. Devastation and ruin will remain behind when bounty was ahead.

Why would I assault you in these ways, O great nations of the earth? Are My ways unjust? No! It is your ways that are unjust. You have denied My existence, pillaged My stores of knowledge, and called yourselves gods of the heavens and the earth. You have exalted your intelligence and your knowing, claiming divinity in your comings and goings. No more, great and wicked generation, who sows to the flesh and cultivates wrongdoing as righteousness. My people lay imprisoned, the poor locked out, the sick and grieving wallowing in the streets of your greatness.

Learn repentance, O great nations, and be healed. Look to the poor, the dispossessed, the vulnerable, the demon-possessed, the orphan, the alien among you. None should have so much and none so little as you deem just and right. Sell all you have and give it to the poor, and I may turn from My great wrath and delay your destruction by years or decades. But continue as you have walked, and your days will end in misery and blood.

The Word of the Lord has spoken. Amen