Let It Go – September 9, 2024

On Monday, May 16, 2022 the Word of the LORD came to me with a warning to declare in the future. On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the LORD fulfilled the sign about which He had spoken to me two years prior. Thus says the LORD God Almighty, Maker of the heavens and the earth:

Warn My people that unless they sell all they have, give it to the poor, and follow Me, they are not worthy of Me. This is mystery, but here is its explanation:

All church buildings built in My Name must be released to the world. All monuments which celebrate the accomplishments of humans, past, present, and future, must be given back to the world. All accoutrements of lavishness and excellence and pomp and prestige must be laid at the altars of these pagan shrines and left there. My people must begin again with the Scriptures and their homes and nothing more. For My judgment is about to fall on the forsaken branches grafted into Gentile vines. None who wish to save what they have built will be forgiven. As Lot’s wife, they will be given to the judgment they might have avoided.

Come out, come out, My people, so you might not share in her judgments. The time of mercy is near its end. The day of the LORD is at hand.