A Final Appeal

~ J. Thomas Johnson ~

When the people of Israel fell into sin under the reign of Rehoboam, son of Solomon, God determined to destroy them through Shishak, Pharaoh of Egypt.

But, in those days God’s people repented of their sins and determined in their hearts to return to Him and to the covenant they had made with Him at Sinai.  So, God relented from their destruction.  God allowed Shishak to pillage the land, and God made Judah a subservient state to Egypt, but He did not destroy the nation.

As in the days of Rehoboam, my discernment is that God’s church has been unfaithful to Him.  And, as in the days of Rehoboam, God has determined to bring judgment.

But, God has sent us prophets, as He sent Shemaiah to Rehoboam, to warn God’s people in advance.  To those who have repented, God will show mercy in the midst of judgment.  To those who have remained steadfast in their unfaithfulness, God will show no mercy.

I and others like me have been bringing these warnings to the church for the last two decades.  I believe the days of warning have come to an end.  Those who have repented will be shown mercy in the days to come.  Those who have not repented, will reap the whirlwind they have sown.

I do not believe God will relent or change His mind.  God’s judgment is light, but God’s people have loved darkness.  The day of the Lord is drawing near.

Woe to the people of the earth who have hidden themselves in shadows, for the light of truth will expose every heart and every thought to the light of day.  All that has been done in secret will be proclaimed from the rooftops, and every hidden thing will be exposed.

Come into the light, people of God, for darkness will hide us no longer.  Light is coming, and light is judgment on darkness.  But, for those who walk in the light as God is in the light, your good deeds will be exposed and you will be known as children of the Almighty.

We must heed these words.  It is all I can hear God saying.