The Fast That God Requires

If we wish to humble ourselves and pray and seek the face of the Lord in these days, the following is the fast that God would require of us.

To those with positions and power:

Return any money that you received to pervert justice or fairness.  Do not take more than is due.  Do your work with full diligence, earning your pay.  And treat those under your care with fairness, full of mercy.  Do not deprive a weak person of justice, and do not side with the powerful when they are in the wrong.

To those with positions and no power:

Advocate to your overseers for the fair treatment and justice of those under your care or responsibility.  Hold your overseers accountable to the laws and ethics of the land.  Exercise your own responsibilities with full diligence and with honesty and integrity.

To those with power but no position:

If you have gained your power by wicked practices, repent and find the path of righteousness.  If you have acquired wealth or influence by ways offensive to God, then return what you have seized, and seek God for a new heart and a new path in life.  If you influence others by fear, intimidation, or violence, repent and humble yourself.  For a contrite heart and humble spirit God will honor, but God stands opposed to the proud.

To those with no power and no position:

Honor your managers and overseers, and speak no evil of those for whom you work.  Serve diligently and do all your work as though you were working for God Himself and not for human beings.  Do your work with integrity, knowing that your God will see what is done in secret and will honor you when He comes in glory.

Do not defraud your neighbor or speak ill of your rival.  For God will not hear the prayer of one who oppresses another for selfish gain.

To All Regardless of Position or Power:

Love your neighbors, even your enemies, and do not hate those who hate you.

Do not intentionally lust after one to whom you are not married, and keep the marriage bed pure.  As God created Eve for Adam and Adam for Eve, so the marriage bed is for the reunification of male and female into one flesh.  Do not forsake your covenant of love by divorcing your spouse.

Speak truthfully to one another at all times.  Do not reserve the truth for special occasions, but speak with integrity in all your dealings.

Do not retaliate when you are disrespected, and go further in hospitality and generosity than any law requires.  Be generous with your excess and share with those who are in want.

Forgive those who sin against you and pray for those who persecute you.  Do not put yourself in the place of God by condemning another person.  Hold each other accountable to what God has taught us, but do not condemn.  For if you judge beyond the Law of God, God will increase the measure of your judgement.  When a person is judged, do not throw him or her to the dogs, but treat them with dignity and compassion.

Do only to others that which you desire to be done to you.  For God despises the hypocrite.

Extend no hand of fellowship to those who speak falsely in the Name of God, no matter the benefit they provide you.

If this fast is declared from the greatest to the least across the land, God will hear.  If not, judgment is coming.

2 thoughts on “The Fast That God Requires”

  1. I’m grateful to learn and be reminded to practice the above. I have fallen short on a few and reading this helps me to be reminded not only what and how to pray for others, but for myself as well.

    Father, I am thankful for Godly people you place, such as Minister Josh, who has place with you now and in the future. Thank you for using him in such a mighty way. His values are high and his morals are high.


    1. Sin is always at the door of our tent, as God warned Cain. None of us are beyond its reach. But, the Lord will never ask us to go where He will not equip us to follow. If we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, all will be well. May the Lord bless your repentance. – Joshua

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